Vote football on the ParticipACTION 150 Play List!
To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, ParticipACTION is creating the ultimate list of all the physical activities that make us Canadian. It’s called the ParticipACTION 150 Play List and we need to make sure that football is on it!
Uniquely Canadian game
In our opinion, there’s no better fit for the list than the uniquely Canadian three-down game of football.
Together we can show that Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast enjoy participating in football, whether it be flag, touch or tackle.
Vote now
Go to and vote for football because only 150 activities will make the final list. Note: you must scroll right (through the list of sports) to submit your vote.
Throughout 2017, ParticipACTION will challenge Canadians to do all 150 activities for the chance to win incredible prizes!
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